Chi Quynh Nghiem, R. A. Griffin, J. L. Harbard, C. E. Harwood, Son Le, Kien Duc Nguyen, Bon Van Pham (2018). Reduced fertility in triploids of Acacia auriculiformis and its hybrid with A. mangium . Euphytica 214: 77.

2018 Nhà xuất bản: Euphytica

Polyploid breeding offers the possibility of increased variability in the search for improved growth, site adaptation and disease resistance in tropical acacias. A key focus of breeding in Vietnam has been the production and testing of vigorous triploid clones which are expected to have the added advantage of being sterile. Triploids obtained by manual crosses between diploid and tetraploid trees or by bulk screening of seedlings derived from open-pollinated seedlots were verified using flow cytometry. Thirteen clones are under field testing for growth rate, tree form and fertility. Six of these are now reproductively mature and flowered as prolifically as diploids. However no pollen germinated, either on agar or on their own stigmas under controlled pollination. Only one clone (X01—F1 hybrid of tetraploid A. mangium and diploid A. auriculiformis) produced open pollinated pods on 0.05% of hermaphrodite flowers and these contained an average of 1.3 filled seeds per pod, about one-fifth the number observed in diploids. Less than 25% of germinated progeny from this triploid clone survived at 3 months after sowing and survivors were severely stunted with arrested growth. Ploidy and genotype analysis revealed them to be predominantly aneuploids, ranging from hyperdiploid to hypotetraploid with 95% being selfs. We are confident that we can select triploid clones which will be effectively infertile if deployed in plantations and may be of particular value in situations where the normal prolific natural regeneration of tropical acacias is highly undesirable.